Update From Brett

Coursera and Udacity Lead the Way For Online Learning

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." - Anthony J. D'Angelo

During the Annual Kickoff this year, I challenged each of you to do more this year to expand your personal development in a variety of ways. I believe that it is important to become more well-rounded, not simply in the field of IT, but as intellectuals in a university setting.

I have been impressed at the degree to which people across various UTS groups have already signed up for a number of Coursera and Udacity courses. People have been taking courses closely related to their current job function as well as ones for their own enlightenment.

To those of you who are considering this type of training, but maybe haven't taken the first step, allow me to present a number of options in keeping with the general theme of IT, and the more specific challenge to pursue math and science, and bring those into your work.

(NOTE: some of these classes might night have a current session at this time because the latest session just ended, but try back later if it interests you!)

Math and Science:

Personal Interest:

Emory U:

Steve Everett, Professor of Music at Emory and Director of the Center for Faculty Development and Excellence, has offered his Introduction to Digital Sound Design as part of the Coursera catalog. This course marks Emory's first effort in the field of free online courses and will be a standard for future courses to follow. 

The initial feedback that I have had from UTSers taking these courses has been positive. Take the time to try out these and/or the many other offerings at Coursera and Udacity. You won't regret the time you have spent! 

- Brett Coryell, Deputy CIO, UTS